Case Study
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Sites: Altnagelvin Area Hospital & Omagh Hospitaland Primary Care Complex Start
Duration: 16 months
Services: Colonoscopy, Upper GI, Double Procedures
Medinet has been supporting Western Health And Social Care Trust with endoscopy services since October 2022. Every weekend on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays Medinet has provided 2 Endoscopists with full support teams to assist the Trust in seeing over 3000 patients. Providing local teams and regular audits by the Medinet Endoscopy Lead Matron. The service has operated across 3 hospital sites and has included the management of administration of patient results.

The service provided to the Trust has been invaluable in treating our red flag referrals that have been waiting for a long time. The Medinet team are very responsive, adapt to regular changes in requirements and provide a very experienced team to deliver the service. We have regular (weekly) contact with the Medinet senior team to address any concerns, and minimise any patients risks and achieve positive patient outcomes.
Tshamano Mushapho
Endoscopy Service Manager & Lead Nurse- Altnagelvin Hospital