A focus on Gastroenterology ahead of BSG LIVE 2023
Endoscopy, for example, is a service facing growing demand. The Royal College of Physicians Joint Advisory Group (JAG) recognised an unprecedented strain on endoscopy services back in 2020, predicting more than 750,000 additional procedures: a 44% increase. There have been record–breaking numbers for endoscopy waiting lists in the years since, as referrals for suspected colorectal cancers have soared. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the issue further due to delays and cancellations that resulted from managing and preventing the spread of the virus.

There is good news, outsourcing can help departments all over the UK crackdown on waiting lists, and get patients seen faster. Read what our Gastro and Endoscopy Medical lead has to say:
“When you choose Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Insourcing with Medinet, you choose highly skilled medical professionals who have extensive experience and undergo regular and up-to-date appraisals. It will feel as though your local staff and Medinet staff are working seamlessly as one. You choose a patient-outcome-based approach which embeds patient feedback into the contract, carries out frequent audits and follows strict clinical governance to ensure that improvement never stops. You choose a partner with over 11 years of experience helping over 100 different UK NHS sites, with an excellent reputation. You choose a solution that slots into your existing structures to help you achieve your screening and treatment targets, such as Two Week Wait and Straight-to-Test procedures.”
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy Medical Lead
Let’s work together to end the wait. Whether you’re a healthcare professional looking for a better work-life balance while making a difference, or you can see the benefits insourcing can make to your department.
If you’re at BSG 2023 come and see us!
Find out more about the conference: https://www.bsg.org.uk/events/bsg-live-2023/