Flexible healthcare solutions
With NHS teams across the country working hard to cope with demand, we understand that one of the key problems facing leaders and managers is a lack of diagnostic or surgical space.
Our flexible, low carbon, temporary healthcare units can provide a solution.
They’re designed to fit seamlessly with existing spaces, and to maximise patient throughput. Our Endoscopy units are built to JAG standards, with the flexibility to design bespoke solutions to provide support across a range of specialties for Diagnostic, Outpatient, Minor Ops, Surgical, Theatre, Recovery and Ward needs.
Built off-site with high quality materials in the UK, our Modular Units are compliant with relevant regulation and, importantly to us, they’re an environmentally friendly, low carbon way of adding vital capacity to your site..
Our units are:
- Purpose-built for your specific needs
- Sustainable
- 2 – 3 month lead in time
- Built to JAG standards
- State of the art
- Flexible
- Fully accessible
- Designed for optimal patient flow
Medway Maritime Hospital Modular Unit
Case Study
Our Process
Project planning meeting
Site visit
Enabling works
Building delivery & installation
Services connected
Internal fitout
Practical completion
For more information on why to choose Medinet for your turnkey modular unit solutions – read our Modular Solutions brochure
Where does Medinet come in?
We will continue to deliver services below NHS tariff, encourage long-term contractual relationships, and utilise our team of over 6,000 registered clinicians supported by our own full-time clinical team who provide governance and assurance for service delivery. Our modular units, with a proven track-record of success, will provide the additional physical space to maximise diagnostic and elective care services, and through our 80+ clinics under the HealthHarmonie brand we provide increased patient choice in the community.
Medinet and HealthHarmonie welcome the partnership agreement as a mechanism to deliver the government's promises by leveraging the independent sector to deliver quality care through the NHS, which remains free at the point of access.
The plan is in place, but trust and long-term partnerships with the private sector are key going forward. We’re excited to continue maximising capacity with excellent clinical staff, to see more patients than ever, quickly and safely.